In the last decade, burnout has become an everyday problem for employers. The purpose of this training is to provide professional support by creating a system of personal protection of Your employees. Mental and physical health for employees is at serious risk as they juggle everyday work challenges with private time. How you feel affects how you complete your tasks at work. At the same time, the way you work and perceive your work affects your emotions. Job requirements will not disappear, so it is necessary to equip yourself with the tools that will protect you from a potential burnout.
Motivation is superior process about which we make conclusions based on observations of one’s behavior. Because of our nature, we tend to make mistakes while drawing conclusions about motivational processes. Understanding this process, gives us an opportunity to be more effective and satisfied with things we achieve in our lives and careers.
Intrinsic motivation is what encourages us in the long run, but its effects are rather subtle. Therefore, it is more difficult to differentiate between the intrinsic factors and those factors that can influence our behavior towards a specific goal. Finding our inner drive is a valuable tool you can use throughout your life.
Extrinsic motivation is not so effective by itself or as dominant in the hierarchy of motives. It is good to know how something coming from the outside affects our behavior and our satisfaction. The term ‘reward’ is not the same for everybody. Find out what kind of ‘reward’ satisfies you the most.
Focusing on engagement increases the possibility of success. We will teach you how to do that in your everyday life. It is hard to detach ourselves from our habits while being focused on achieving a goal we tend to define as result of our performance. However, by changing the way we think, i.e. our fixed mindset to a growing mindset, we might be able to succeed.
If we define focus as an ability, it means we can train it. Everything becomes better with training, right? Or, maybe not? We believe training is never enough, but training smart is great. Understanding the rules that govern our abilities can help us define smart ways of training.
Some signals come from our environment while some come from inside of us. Not all of them are equally important. Therefore, we teach you how to ignore most signals that do not help you make the best possible decision. Moreover, ignoring some signals in potentially stressful situations can be crucial and that is why it is good to know them. Knowing which information can help you become more successful in every situation allows you to face things prepared. Learn how to control what is within your control and use it as your advantage.
Which factors can you control? Most people want to control their emotions in situations when that is the last thing they should do. Explaining the TEBP model gives you an insight into processes you can learn to control and improve. Finally, this will make you more successful in situations you find yourself in.
Breathing is an automatic function. If we can control an automatic function, we can control everything connected to it: patterns of behavior, thoughts, and emotions. Find out how optimal breathing for achieving a desired success looks like.
Our body has its own way of managing stress symptoms. We might picture our body as a tank that, and that can receive only a certain amount of stress in one period of time. If we do not know how to empty that tank, we might feel a burnout or even something worse for our health. Shallow relaxation techniques help us to get through the day more easily, while the deep relaxation techniques help us empty our tank completely.
Words we use define our reality. They can also make us feel more or less confident in situations that require action. Be on the top of the game and use self-fulfilling prophecies to your advantage.
Basic postulate of any meditation is presence in the moment. The advantage of being present in the moment is increased productivity, so you get to be your best. However, that is not our end goal, i.e. it should not be. Meditation gives us a chance to choose helpful thoughts. It also gives you a chance to experience life at its best – every precious moment for itself.
If you ever said ‘I can’t do that’ or ‘I can’t change’, then this is the right module for you. Let us picture our beliefs and opinions as cars taking us to a desired destination. Instead of driving through your life in an old-timer, as much as it is charming, how about you try sitting in a new Tesla car?.
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