Mental Traning for high schoolers

It is said that high school marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. It is the time when one becomes more independent when making decisions and planning every day’s schedule, and when many changes are happening on a physical, cognitive, emotional and social level. It is also the time when the question “What will you be when you grow up” should slowly be answered.

The amount of time and work needed for school and extracurricular activities is increasing. Every grade suddenly becomes more important and let’s not forget the dilemma regarding work or further education after high school. It is clear that the pressure is rising. In spite of it, high schoolers need to maintain their focus and motivation when they have to learn the subject they do not find interesting or useful for their future, and at the same time regulate their emotions effectively. We believe that anyone who has a chance to learn how to regulate one’s attention, focus, motivation, and emotions can become the best version of oneself.

What the programme looks like

  • the programme is suitable for everyone between 14 and 19 years of age
  • it includes 4 meetings, each lasting 60 minutes
  • the programme is held individually in person or online
  • it gives high schoolers the opportunity to learn Mental training techniques that will help the excel in the areas of focus, emotion regulation, and motivation
  • between the meetings, high schoolers get assignments through which they practice newly learned Mental Training techniques and develop new skills
  • and additional fifth meeting is available for ones involved in sport, music or art

What each high schooler gets

  • education focused on mastering Mental training techniques
  • improved focus, motivation, emotion regulation, and time management
  • individual consultations with one of our trainers

Do you want to join?


250.00 HRK (34 EUR) per meeting

The programme consists of 4 meetings under the guidance of one of our trainers. An additional, fifth meeting is available.

Have a question?
Contact us

Trnjanska cesta 63
10000 Zagreb, Croatia

+385 91 602 7822

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