

Everyday worries

Worries are a form of negative, recurrent thinking we get stuck in by having negative thoughts about the bad and unpleasant things that might happen in the future. Such negative thinking is often circular because the same negative possibility is...
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The secret to success

Ljude je oduvijek zanimalo što to razlikuje uspješne ljude od onih malo manje uspješnih, neovisno o životnom području. Dugo se smatralo da su za uspjeh zaslužni talent i iznadprosječne sposobnosti, no danas se zna da to nije tako.
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Why Don’t We Change?

How many times did you want to quit smoking, start exercising or eat healthier? How many times have you started such a change and then gave up after a while? People often want to change certain things in their lives...
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Why New Year’s Resolutions Are Not Good

Prošlo je tjedan dana od donošenja novogodišnjih odluka. Ovaj put, Nova godina započela je u ponedjeljak tako da su se dva najgora dana za pokretanje procesa osobne promjene, ponedjeljak i nedjelja, spojili u jedno.
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Why do I feel nervousness or fear at sports competitions?

Povezanost misli, osjećaja i ponašanja Just like athletes, one of the key reasons why you feel nervous or afraid before or during competition is because you are thinking about the things that are not helpful (“As long as I don’t...
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Mental training or “the last drops in a cup of success”

It is hard to imagine a professional coach or an athlete who thinks that psychological fitness does not affect the result of their work. In fact, if you are into sports, you might often notice or hear someone saying how...
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